Rabu, 26 Maret 2025 - 27 Ramadhan 1446 H | Ingin punya website? Mulailah buat website yang nama domainnya nama kamu sendiri! | Badan serasa ringsek, kaki pegel-pegel, nyeri sendi, asam urat dan nyeri badan lainnya? Segera minum Pil Hitam Ajaib! | Ingin bisa membuat website sendiri? Hubungi Kang Gunawan, Ia akan membimbingmu membuat website dari nol sampai online! | Bingung mau jualan apa? Asal tau saja, semua produk yang ada di kanggunawan.com bisa kamu jual juga! | Suka Ngopi tiap hari? Saatnya ganti kopi agar bisa cuan sekalian. Ganti kopinya sekarang juga!

Hello, I'm Gunawan

(just call me: Kang) A passionate UI/UX Designer and Web Developer & also runs several businesses. Based in Tasik, Indonesia

Read our story
Welcome Kang Gunawan dot com

Our founding

I started coding websites from the ground up when I first started I have spent most of my time over the past ten years designing, programming and operating various websites and apps.

One of my specialties is taking an idea from scratch and creating a full-fledged platform. I go beyond to produce sites with a unique, outstanding, contemporary look-and-feel.

With extensive knowledge of web mechanics, I’m able to optimize complex integrations to require little-to-no maintenance while running on their own for years.

Kang Gunawan

Growth & beyond

I am web developer & designer work with heart who is familiar with html, php, js, wordpress, mysqli, etc and can adapt to you. I'm very passionate and dedicated to my work.

With more than 10 years experience as a professional web designer and web developer, I have acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to make your project a success.

Our Team

Dedicated to quality and your success

Kang Gunawan
Kang Gun
Founder & CEO
Operations Manager
Ceng Fikr

Web ini diperkenalkan kepada Anda oleh:
Gunawan - Kota Tasikmalaya